👋Welcomes & Filters

Both of these settings can be accessed in /config > Greetings


After clicking Greetings you'll be taken to this screen, where you have the option to enable or disable welcome messages and Join captcha

Set Welcome Message

After clicking Set Welcome Message you'll be brought here. To change Text or Media, click on the desired button and send your new text / media directly into the chat (Private or group)

Editing Buttons:

Clicking Edit Buttons brings you here. To add buttons, click Add Buttons and send a message containing every single button you want to add using the syntax, described below

[NAME](LINK) or [NAME](LINK:same)

Real example:

[Chart](Dextools.io) [Twitter](twitter.com) [Website](Project.com:same)

This will output buttons like

Twitter | Website

Make sure there is no space between the [] and () and that your link contains no spaces in it. If the message doesn't send after clicking "View Current Welcome" its due to one of your button links not being a valid link.

Last updated